Saturday 29 June 2013

UK takes step toward 'three-parent babies'

An in vitro fertilization technique using DNA from three people could prevent mitochondrial diseases.

London (CNN) - The United Kingdom took a step Friday to be the first country in the world that allows a pioneering IVF technique with DNA from three people who could prevent mitochondrial diseases, but also raises important ethical questions .
One in every 6,500 babies in the UK is born with a mitochondrial disorder, which can lead to serious health problems, like heart disease and liver, respiratory problems and muscular dystrophy.
Problems with mitochondria, the cells 'powerful' of the body, are inherited from the mother, so the proposed IVF treatment affected mean a woman can have a baby without passing on mitochondrial disease.
But the technique of cutting-edge IVF, which involves the transfer of nuclear genetic material from the egg or embryo of a mother in a donor egg or embryo that has had its nuclear DNA removed, raises ethical questions.
2012: Ending fertility options
The new embryo contain nuclear DNA of the father and intended mother and healthy mitochondrial DNA donor embryo - creating a baby "three parents".
The amount of donor DNA in mitochondria will, however, be much lower than the parental DNA in the nucleus, which determines the characteristics of the baby.
Birth defects associated with IVF may have originated with the mothers, not treatment
The UK government plans to hold consultations on the draft regulations for fertility treatment later this year, with the intention to bring the measure to Parliament next year. For now, only the eggs and embryos unchanged can be used for in vitro fertilization.
"Mitochondrial disease, including heart disease, liver disease, loss of muscle coordination and other serious diseases such as muscular dystrophy, can have a devastating impact on people who inherit" said UK medical director, Professor Dame Cathedral Sally Davies.
Because scientists have developed "new and innovative procedures" that could prevent these diseases in the impact, Davies said, "it is right that we look to introduce this life-saving treatment, as soon as we can."
The government says the public consultation shows there is "full support" for treatment.
But Dr. David King, director of Human Genetics Alert, a vigilante group based in London, opposed use of the technique Friday - saying it opened the door to the creation of "designer babies" - and questioned the results public consultation, saying that not enough weight is given to online voting.
"These techniques are unnecessary and insecure and are in fact rejected by the majority of responses to the consultation," he said in a statement.
"It is a disaster that the decision to cross the line that eventually will lead to a market designer baby eugenics should be made on the basis of a totally biased and inadequate consultation."
The king told CNN the conventional egg donation and allows the mother to have a child without going through a mitochondrial disorder, so that the benefit of the new technique would only be for the baby to be genetically related to her.
"Although I can understand that this is not a medical benefit to anyone - and you have to weigh the risks of invasive techniques that will clearly a risk to the child," he said.
Could bills 'personhood' outlaw IVF?
There is also a "risk to society in general," he said, because once the ethical line on the modification of human DNA has been crossed, the door opened to "the next step and the next step after that."
"That's why governments around the world over the last 20 years have said 'we will not allow genetically modified humans'" he said.
Even if approved by lawmakers, more research is needed to ensure that the procedure actually works in humans and can be carried out safely, said King.
The Government's announcement Friday brought a lot of Spanish headlines - and probably will continue to divide the scientific community.
The British Nuffield Council on Bioethics, which conducted a six-month investigation about the ethical aspects of the technique, concluded that the health and social benefits of the free-living mitochondrial diseases means that "on balance ... if these new techniques has proven to be acceptably adequately safe and effective as treatments, it would be ethical for families to use them. "
The working group concluded that "mitochondrial donation does not indicate, whether biological or legal, any notion that the child is either a" third parent "or" second mother "."
However, the University of Notre Dame law professor O. Carter Snead, a bioethicist who specializes in the management of science, medicine and biotechnology, urged the United Kingdom to "proceed slowly and cautiously" given the "unresolved security and ethical issues" surrounding the new technique .
"Little is known about the genetic effects of short and long term of this procedure in children born with their aid," he said. "It would be an ironic tragedy if this procedure were moved from bench to bedside, only to harm the very children it was meant to help.
"On the other hand, there are still serious questions about the ethics of conceiving children with three genetic parents or parents." "

Paula Deen's Multimillion-Dollar Disaster: What's the Cost of the N-Word?

The celebrity chef's use of a racial slur is taking a big bite out of her fortune

What is the fee for using the N-word these days? Ask Paula Deen - if you can get to get my foot in the mouth long enough, she'll tell you it's a lot.

Embattled celebrity chef Deen has seen his empire crumble many facets as a pie poorly constructed (not enough butter?) This week, as one of the business partners after other cuts ties with her after his admission that he had used the N-word.

Read also: Paula Deen and QVC "pause" to each other while this Whole N-Word thing gets resolved

But just how much of a bite is taken out of the scandal blossoming Din elaborate buffet of endorsements, product lines, personal appearance fees and other efforts to make money?

According to Forbes, Deen raised $ 17 million in 2012. But judging by the steady stream of defectors from the field Deen, the 2013 account will not be as strong.

View video: Paula Deen: 5 Golden Moments, butter drenched

The Food Network, which broke with Deen last week, after she weakly tried to save face with numerous videos posted online apology, brought in an estimated $ 2.5 million for Deen year - a rate that will not be collected after his current contract expires in June.

Although this is the largest single loss to the coffers of Deen - until now - is almost unique. Smithfield Foods, which carries a line of brand hams Paula Deen, Deen cut loose this week. Deen's agreement with Smithfield worth about $ 900,000 in 2010, and is probably not going anywhere, but in the following years, as Deen empire spread like butter on a stack of cookies clogs arteries.

View Video: Jimmy Kimmel, Conan O'Brien Mock Paula Deen Over N-Word Controversy

Then there's the Deen association with the drug manufacturer Novo Nordisk, which makes the diabetes drug Victoza, which Deen promotes. Novo Nordisk has not officially disbanded Deen - rather, by mutual agreement with Deen "suspend our activities in patient education, for now." However, the association with the company Deen - who was beaten in the middle of no little controversy last year - is reportedly a three-year contract worth $ 6 million. Thus, in the event that things go south for Deen on that front as well, take another piece $ 2,000,000 Deen cake.

That's $ 5.5 million - almost a third of the $ 17 million Deen reportedly took in the last year.

Read also: Paula Deen: "I beg your pardon 'to use N-Word

And that's not counting the impact that Walmart and Target decisions to separate from Deen will. While these figures are more difficult to quantify, the loss of a retail giant as a place through which to flog their wares surely have a financial impact on Deen.

Be generous and having Deen in his word during the interview to "Today" on Wednesday that only uses the N-word once (a claim denied by previous count Deen), that's a great contribution to the swear jar.

Gay Marriage Returns To California

Proposición 8 demandantes Kris Perry y Sandy Stier experimentaron una gran victoria un principios de esta semana cuando la Corte suprema dejo prohibición del matrimonio gay en Californie por muerto. El viernes, el triunfo de la Pareja llegó al punto de partida cuando se casaron en el primer matrimonio Entre personas del mismo sexo celebrado en el estado en cuatro años y medio. La Medida fue motivada cuando la neuvaine Corte de Apelaciones de Circuito de los EE.UU. emitió una sorpresa orden de disolver una estancia Que había impuesto a los durante el Matrimonios homosexuales desafío juridique.

(Vea el vidéo de la ceremonia de arriba.)

Perry y Stier preparan para el intercambio de votos frente a Fiscal General de Californie Kamala Harris:

Perry y Stier celebran después de casarse:

kris perry sandy stier

(Foto por medio de HuffPost Robin Wilkey)

Leer más de la Associated Press:

Los Principales demandantes en el caso de la Corte Suprema de EE.UU. Que anularon la prohibición del matrimonio Entre personas del mismo sexo en Californie se casaron en Mairie de San Francisco el viernes, alrededor de una hora después de Québec ONU tribunal de apelaciones despejo el camino para Que las parejas del mismo sexo para obtener licencias de matrimonio por primera vez en 4 1/2 years.

Fiscal General del Estado Kamala Harris Presidio La Boda de Kris Perry y Sandy Stier, de Berkeley. La Pareja Presento una DEMANDA par revocar votantes aprobaron la prohibición del matrimonio gay en el estado, junto con Jeff y Paul Katami Zarrillo, de Burbank, quien planeaba casarse Viernes por la noche en Los Angeles City Hall.

«Ellos han esperado y por este momento luchado", dijo Harris. "Hoy la espera ha terminado."

Harris Declaro Perry, de 48 años, y Stier, de 50 anos, "esposos para toda la vida", pero durante sus voto, se Tomo unos a otros Côme "Legitima esposa."

La neuvaine Corte de Apelaciones de Circuito de los EE.UU. habia emitido una breve orden viernes por la tarde LA DISOLUCION de una estancia Qué impuso sobre los Matrimonios homosexuales, Mientras Que La Demanda contra la Proposicion 8 SE a ouvert des Camino a través de los tribunales.

Los patrocinadores de la prohibición del matrimonio Entre personas del mismo sexo en Californie dijeron Que La decisión del tribunal de apelaciones ère "vergonzosa".

Anthony Pugno, Consejero général de una Coalición de grupos religiosos conservadores, Llamado para el circuito noveno de l'ONU "acto indignante" por los jueces y los políticos decididos un revocar la Proposición 8.

Llamo A La décision del tribunal de l'ONU "abuso de poder para el sistema manipulaire y hacer las personas Qué que no tienen voz".

El Tribunal Supremo dictaminó 5-4 el jueves Qué los patrocinadores de los votantes aprobó la prohibición del matrimonio gay en Californie CARECEN de autoridad para défenseur La Medida en los tribunales una vez Que Harris y el gobernador Jerry Brown se Nego un hacerlo.

La decisión deja reposar una declaración del Juez de Primera Instancia Que La prohibición, aprobada por los votantes en noviembre de 2008 alto los derechos de los civiles californianos gays y no se puede hacer cumplir.

Bajo las reglas de la Corte Suprema, el Bando perdedor en una Dispute juridique tiene 25 días para pedir a la Corte suprema una nueva Audiencia del caso. El tribunal dijo Québec un principios de esta semana que no iba un terminar su sentencia en el asunto 8 controversia hasta después de transcurrido ese tiempo.

Pas estaba inmediatamente claro si la acción de la corte de apelaciones soi detuvo por el alto tribunal.